what I ate

RP Week 1 Check in/WIAW

What I ate Wednesday, RP edition!

For those of you who did not see my IG this past week, I began following Renaissance Periodization’s one on one nutrition programming in order to cut down to the 52k class for a USAPL meet in September and then stay below 120lbs for Strongman nationals in October. I am working with nutrition coach Mike Caruso PhD., Professional Strongman and Elite Powerlifter. You can read more about RP here.

I’ll be posting weekly check-ins on my progress, and some recipes along the way. I started last week at 126lbs and have been sitting at 124 for the past 3 days, woohoo! 2 down, 10 to go.

The biggest difference I have noticed in this first week compared to how I was eating previously is that I am eating a lot more vegetables and fats  and fewer carbohydrates. I am also not snacking between meals like I normally do, which is taking some major self control. I am definitely one of those people who lives to eat, so I am taking extra time to prepare meals that are not only compliant with RP, but also delicious.

FullSizeRender (1)Meal 1: egg white omelette with veggies sauteed in olive oil, topped with avocado, with a side of fruit.

Meal 2: (not shown) BCAA’s and Vitargo intra-workout, and a small bowl of frosted mini-wheats immediately after training.

IMG_9337Meal 3: post workout meal of rice, buffalo pulled chicken, mixed veggies sauteed in olive oil and fresh herbs from our garden.

IMG_9343 (1)Meal 4: Turkey burger on a whole wheat English Muffin topped with avocado, red onion, salt and pepper, and a splash of lime juice (the combo of avocado, lime and red onion reminded me of guacamole).

IMG_9329Meal 5:Turkey burger with mustard, baked sweet potatoes and veggies sauteed in garlic and olive oil.

IMG_9351 (1)Meal 6: Casein pudding bowl and tea

Anyone else using RP or cutting of an upcoming competition? What is your favorite “clean” recipe??


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