what I ate

RP Week 1 Check in/WIAW

What I ate Wednesday, RP edition! For those of you who did not see my IG this past week, I began following Renaissance Periodization’s one on one nutrition programming in order to cut down to the 52k class for a USAPL meet in September and then stay below 120lbs for Strongman nationals in October. I am working… Continue reading RP Week 1 Check in/WIAW

adventures · what I ate

Easter Festivities and Training Update

Happy Spring everyone!!! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the Easter/Passover festivities. We were quite busy in the kitchen getting ready for our Easter Sunday dinner. We bake a lot of traditional Italian dishes and breads, which are delicious, but quite an indulgence. Thank goodness we only make them once per year! In other news,… Continue reading Easter Festivities and Training Update

adventures · travel · what I ate

A recap of my weekend, the CF Games, lots of food pics

Hey guys!! I missed you! I know, I’m the one who hasn’t been around. The past few weeks have been quite busy. The BF’s ship pulled into port in San Diego last week, so that resulted in an impromptu trip out west 🙂 I love a good adventure, and I was excited to show him… Continue reading A recap of my weekend, the CF Games, lots of food pics