adventures · stuff I love · Uncategorized

We Bought a Farm!!

Okay, so we didn’t ACTUALLY buy a whole farm, but we bought a share in it! Since Mark and I have been trying to eat more veggies lately (thanks RP), and we would prefer to support local agriculture, we did some research and found a local farm that offers a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program!… Continue reading We Bought a Farm!!


5 Dieting Essentials to Drastically Improve your Meal Preparation

Guys, I’m frustrated this week. I have been SO GOOD and the scale is not moving. I even went to a BBQ where they were serving pulled pork AND sausage and peppers (two of my favorite dishes) and I resisted, eating only from the containers of chicken breast, veggies, and rice topped with hot sauce… Continue reading 5 Dieting Essentials to Drastically Improve your Meal Preparation

Exercise Technique/Advice · Uncategorized

Proper Hydration and Workouts 7/27/15-8/2/15

Hi everyone! I know these are delayed, I am still working on catching up with posting the workouts from the past few weeks on here. The reason I’m backing up to July is because I wanted to capture the whole training process between my last strongman show and the next upcoming one. I wanted to… Continue reading Proper Hydration and Workouts 7/27/15-8/2/15

rants · recipes · Uncategorized

Healthy-ish Banana Bread and Getting out of a Rut

Do you ever go full steam ahead with something, only to run into a speed bump in the road that throws you completely off course? This seems to happen to me a lot, unfortunately. Maybe its just my personality, but when I enjoy something, I tend to want to eat/sleep/breathe it. Like, last year I… Continue reading Healthy-ish Banana Bread and Getting out of a Rut